
UP-Diliman jeepney drivers hold transport strike

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Jeepney drivers and operators who ply within the University of the Philippines (UP)-Diliman held a transport strike on August 1 to oppose the entry of an e-jeepney cooperative that will steal the traditional jeepneys’ route in the campus. The UP Transport Group led the action, and was supported by students, teachers, and university workers and staff.

The UP Diliman University Student Council (USC) said Greenhighway Rising Star Transport and Multi-purpose Cooperative, a company based in Pasay City, is set to take over the campus’ TOKI route (inter-campus route).

Jeepneys plying on UP-Philcoa, UP-Pantranco, IKOT, TOKI, and UP-Katipunan routes participated in the transport strike. The activity closed with a program at UP Quezon Hall with UP Diliman USC, UP Academic Workers Union, UP Workers Alliance, and other groups in attendance.

The UP Transport Group and USC UP Diliman also submitted a letter to the UP-Diliman Office of the Vice Chancellor for Community Affairs to register their demands. The letter contained six items from the drivers.

They called on the administration to bar the entry of foreign e-jeepney cooperatives. They demanded that the traditional jeepneys be allowed to ply their original routes, keeping the current drivers, operators, and cooperatives that have been serving the UP community for decades.

They also called on UP-Diliman administration to recognize the UP Transport Group as the official representative of jeepney drivers on campus, to continue consultations with the group, the USC, and other sectoral organizations regarding transport policies, and for solidarity with jeepney drivers in UP in calling for a mass-oriented moderniation of transportation rooted in national industrialization and true agrarian reform that prioritizes the welfare of drivers and commuters.

“Amid the looming danger to the livelihood of our community members, it is appropriate that the UP Diliman administration itself listen to the interest and stand up for the drivers’ welfare and not to the commercial interest of corporations that want to intervene in our university,” UP Diliman USC emphasized.

AB: UP-Diliman jeepney drivers hold transport strike