
Free Huzaifa Halabiya Bader and all Palestinian political prisoners


The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemns the Israel government for the rearrest and detention of Huzaifa Halabiya Bader on May 25. Baser, who was freed last December 2019, was again put under “administrative detention” Israel’s euphemism of imprisoning Palestinians without charges or trial.

The Party, the New People’s Army and the entire Filipino people, is one with the people of Palestine in calling for the immediate and unconditional release of all Palestinian political prisoners. In the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become more imperative that political prisoners across the world be freed from unjust incarceration. Many of them suffer from inhumane conditions in overcrowded prisons highly conducive to the spread of the deadly disease. It is doubly unjust that many of them are being detained without charges and have not been put on trial.

The Filipino people stand in solidarity with the just struggle of the Palestinian people for their right to return to their land that has been brutally occupied by the state of Israel. For 72 years, the people of Palestine have borne the continuing Nakba or the catastrophe of their displacement. During all these time, they have persisted in their struggle for their just return to their homeland and freedom.

Like the Palestinian people, the Filipino people struggle to free their country from the yoke of US neocolonialism and achieve genuine national freedom.

Free Huzaifa Halabiya Bader and all Palestinian political prisoners