Marcos is complicit with US imperialists fraudsters


The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the various organizations and personalities in expressing outrage and condemning the US government for running a disinformation campaign on social media targeting the Filipino people during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic to cast doubts on the Chinese vaccine Sinovac. This campaign of deliberate disinformation, which was also carried out in other countries, endangered the lives of the Filipino people, and peoples around the world amid the pandemic.

This campaign was carried out to benefit US pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and Moderna. It was mounted by the US in line with its strategic war to contain the growth of its imperialist rival China. According to the Reuters investigative report, the disinformation campaign was carried out by the US military under the auspices of the Pentagon.

Today, a similar campaign funded and orchestrated by the US government is being waged in the Philippines. This is being carried out pervasively across Philippine society–from social media, to the news media, and all government agencies and instrumentalities of the Marcos regime.

Marcos, the chief puppet himself, is in collusion with the US government and is now leading this disinformation campaign by promoting the notion of China as an “external threat” and agitating for military confrontation, while sidelining diplomacy to the background. The objective is to stir anti-Chinese hysteria and Sinophobia among the Filipino people, as part of the US strategic scheme to stoke an armed conflict in the South China Sea.

The Filipino people must condemn the US and Marcos regime for its orchestrated campaign to whip-up Sinophobia and Chinese hate. They must expose all who are taking part in this campaign and hold them accountable for aiding US imperialism and the Marcos puppet regime in their scheme that endangers the country’s security and the lives of the Filipino people.

Marcos is complicit with US imperialists fraudsters