
NPA seizes 7 firearms from drunken Surigao del Sur Coast Guard men

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today congratulated the New People’s Army (NPA)-Surigao del Sur for mounting a successful raid against abusive elements of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) having a drinking binge while on duty in Barangay Wakat, Barobo, Surigao del Sur last October 12 at 6:15 p.m.

“Likely tipsy and confused by their intoxication, the PCG operatives failed to defend their post which allowed the Red fighters to control the station without even firing a single shot,” said CPP Chief Information Officer Marco L. Valbuena, citing reports from NPA-Surigao del Sur.

According to NPA-Surigao del Sur spokesperson Sandara Sidlakan, the NPA unit seized a .30 caliber machine gun, four M16 rifles, and two .45 caliber pistols, 5 ammo vests, two handheld radios and several rounds of live ammunition.

“This successful tactical offensive is a huge slap on the face of the 4th ID, particularly its spokesperson Maj. Rodulfo Cordero Jr., and his fascist commander MGen. Andres C. Centino, who belittled the CPP’s call on the NPA to intensify tactical offensives nationwide,” said Valbuena.

In newspaper reports, Maj. Cordero claimed that they are “ready” for the NPA offensives and asserted that they have enough forces. Valbuena pointed out to the NPA report which stated that the NPA unit was easily able to pass through the highway despite the AFP’s checkpoints, adding “Maj. Cordero must be joking when he claimed they are ready.”

“The AFP will never be ready because they do not know when and where the NPA and the people’s militias will next mount an attack,” said Valbuena. “They cannot keep their forces on eternal Red alert. They cannot impose an absolute prohibition on drinking, lest their men become disgruntled.”

Sidlakan, for her part, said the NPA offensive was a response to complaints against the PCG unit operating in the area. Coast guards reportedly extort money from small fishermen and oblige them to give out a portion of their catch for free. There was also a complaint against a drunken Coast Guard personnel who slapped a child on the face.

NPA seizes 7 firearms from drunken Surigao del Sur Coast Guard men