The Bikolano people’s struggle frustrated AFP-PNP’s Oplan Kapanatagan!

This article is available in Pilipino

Now that Oplan Kapanatagan is in its fourth year, 9th IDPA and PNP Region V in Bikol still have no victory to speak of. Instead of being harrowed with fear because of the military and police’s ceaseless militarization, human rights violations and other crimes, a growing number of Bikolanos are compelled to realize their own strength and to struggle for their rights and civil liberties. Focused military operations and traitorous enemy attacks have only served to fortify the Red army’s convictions and belief in the correctness of armed struggle.

Instead of losing their will, the enemy’s aggressive attacks heightened the revolutionaries’ capacity to overcome obstacles, quickly recognize and assess their weak points and discover innovative ways to maximize opportunities for even greater leaps. Across all six provinces of the region, Romulo Jallores Command NPA-Bikol proudly declares that no guerilla front has been dismantled even by the most vicious offensives of the desperate AFP-PNP.

While the uprising masses, revolutionary movement and their Red army most humbly persevere in their assiduous study, synthesis and practice of all the lessons and experiences gained in the course of their struggle, the AFP-PNP is drunk with complacency among their doctored data, fake numbers and exaggerated achievements.

Just like all the other failed Oplans of past regimes, the Kabikulan’s experience in combating and defeating Oplan Kapanatagan proves that the revolutionary will wager everything to win because what’s at stake is his life, dignity, rights and future. Meanwhile, the police and military only blindly follows the fascist terroristic directive of their masters. This fundamental difference ensures favorable conditions for the undeterred advance of the people’s march towards its upsurge and on the other hand, the complete decay and demise of the reactionary government along with its foundations including the AFP-PNP.

The Bikolano people’s struggle frustrated AFP-PNP’s Oplan Kapanatagan!