The Book and the Gun: Successful conclusion of Party's advanced course

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In the first six months of 2022, the Communist Party Philippines on the island of Negros mounted three batches to study the Party’s Advanced Course (AKP). It was held in a guerrilla zone amid intense and relentless military operations of the fascist 3rd ID.

The AKP is part of the three-level party course and comes after the Basic Party Course (BKP) and the Party’s Intermediate Course (IKP). Under the AKP, writings of great communist leaders who Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao are comprehensively studied.

The AKP is divided into four parts: first, materialist philosophy that contains dialectical materialism and historical materialism, second, political economy, and third is the social science (socialist revolution and construction), and the fourth is the international proletarian revolution.

The first is the materialist philosophy that include dialectical materialism, where understanding of Marxist philosophy was deepened by studying contradictions and the correct relation of theory and practice. This was folowed by a discussion of historical materialism in which dialectical materialism is applied to political science.

The second topic is political economy. Here, Marx’s critique of capitalism, Lenin’s critique of imperialism, and the the downfall of capitalism and modern imperialism, were discussed.

In social science, the proletarian dictatorship and socialist democracy, socialist revolution and construction, the problems of modern revisionism and bureaucratism and the theory to continuing revolution, were underscored.

The international proletariat revolution was also studied, the history of the proletarian class’s resistance in other countries, especially now that we are transitioning to a period of resurgence of proletarian revolution.

“It is not true what the enemy says about defeating the revolution. Imperialism itself is laying out the conditions that arouse the people to fight under the leadership of the party. The study imbued me with revolutionary optimism that classes and exploitation can be eliminated. We will certainly win,” said a young student.

Because the students in the three batches in AKP came from among workers, peasants and intellectuals, there was rich discussion and exchange of ideas and experiences.

“I now understand better how to apply MLM to the practical problems of revolution. It is also clearer to me how we can overcome problems of empiricism, conservatism, and bureaucratism. Comrade Mao was certainly right when he said it is not enough to know what is right, we must also fight was is wrong, ”said another student.

Three batches of AKP were held were 40 individuals finished. This is a big addition to the cadres in Negros who first completed the formal course first launched in early 2019.

“As I pledge myself to the NPA, I faced the red flag while I held a gun upon a book. The AKP strengthened my determination as a warrior in which the book commands the gun. My class standpoint was further reinforced. Our graduation is big slap on the enemy!” said a defiant student.

These experiences are a great success despite the attacks of the AFP and PNP. This was achieved through perverance of the revolutionary forces under the Party leadership, together with the NPA which is deeply rooted among the masses. By combining the book and the gun, the Party’s guerrilla school has produced cadres who are more determined to lead the comprehensive tasks for advancing the people’s war to victory. (Ang Paghimakas)

AB: The Book and the Gun: Successful conclusion of Party's advanced course