28 countries push for "war on drugs" investigation


TWENTY-EIGHT COUNTRIES supported a resolution filed at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) last July 4 to push the council to pursue the investigation on the escalating number of killings in the Philippines under the “war on drugs.” The UNHRC is expected to decide upon the resolution before its session closes on July 12. Signatories are mostly European countries.

If approved, High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet will write a report on the human rights situation in the Philippines. The draft resolution also included the call for governments to cooperate with the United Nations offices by opening their respective country for visits and refraining from perpetrating acts of intimidation or retaliation.
The draft resolution was submitted few days after the death of a three-year old girl in a police operation last June 29. On that day, the police raided the house of Renato Ulpina, father of the child, in Rodriguez, Rizal. They shattered the windows of the house and fired shots at it while the Ulpina family was inside.

The police even reasoned out that casualties are unavoidable in such operations, contrary to the duty of the state to the safety of innocent people, especially minors. Reports indicate that more than 50 minors have been killed in similar operations.

28 countries push for "war on drugs" investigation