
Police represses youth graffiti operation against martial law


Three students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) were picked up by plainclothes police today in Quiapo, Manila, September 19. The students were conducting a graffiti operation to mark the 52nd anniversary of martial law and dictatorship of the first US-Marcos regime when they were arrested early in the morning.

The League of Filipino Students (LFS) statement said one of those arrested is a member of their organization while the other two are members of Panday Sining. LFS reported that the three were held at gunpoint before being taken to the precinct for vandalism charges.

Youth groups condemned the arrest of the three. They said, “[this] is a human rights violation and a weaponization of the law to suppress the legitimate calls of the people.”

Those arrested said they suffered intimidation and physical assault while in police custody. One of them was pulled by the collar for no reason. They were also threatened and accused of being New People’s Army (NPA) members.

LFS and other youth groups called for the release of the three students and the immediate dismissal of what they called trumped-up charges. They held a rally today at Manila Police District Station 14 to push this demand.

“Filipino youth are beset with very serious crisis in the right to education, democratic rights, rising prices of goods, etc. Any action towards raising awareness, organizing, and mobilizing the youth and the people in these matters is just and necessary,” LFS said.

It also said that there is nothing wrong with using public spaces such as walls to highlight the call of the people.

AB: Police represses youth graffiti operation against martial law