
Celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines! Advance further towards the success of the people’s democratic revolution!

The National Democratic Front and all revolutionary organizations in the province of Laguna extend their greetings to the Communist Party of the Philippines on its 55th anniversary. Long live!

On this occasion, the Party reminds us to grasp firmly our ideological, political, and organizational principles. The Party’s call to rectify and learn from our past practices is relevant and timely.

The Party has proven that it is ready to rectify its errors to better serve the masses. It does not delude itself as being always perfect. It is committed to being a true Marxist-Leninist Party, constantly self-criticizing and analyzing the concrete conditions of the revolution.

Likewise, the revolutionary movement in Laguna acknowledges the significant contribution of the countless martyrs in the 55 years of the national-democratic struggle. Our highest salute goes to them, including Jose Maria Sison, Benito Tiamzon, Wilma Austria, Josephine Mendoza, and many cadres and guiding lights of the Philippine revolution.

We also honor the noble sons and daughters of Laguna who sacrificed their lives for the people. Among them are Abegail “Ka Laura” Bartolome, Allysa “Ka Ilaya” Lemoncito, and many more who continued the struggle began by Gat Andres Bonifacio.

The lives and struggles of our heroes serve as great inspiration for our continued perseverance and advancement. The revolutionary movement in Laguna will always carry the lessons taught by the masses and our Party.

The Party is correct in calling all revolutionary forces to intensify the advance of the people’s democratic revolution. The chronic crisis in society is worsening in all aspects. Both the economic crisis due to neoliberalism and semi-feudalism, and the political crisis among rival reactionary factions, are escalating. The contradictions of imperialism are sharpening as well, resulting in the advance of both armed revolutionary and democratic mass movements worldwide.

The province of Laguna is not exempt from this situation. The people of Laguna experience poverty from urban centers to its vast rural areas.

In the province’s urban centers, there is a lack of quality labor while real wages are diminishing. The daily minimum wage for an industrial worker ranges from PHP 385 to PHP 520, far from the almost PHP 1,100 per day living wage needed by a family of five.

The number of semi-proletariat in the province is increasing. Despite state figures indicating a decrease in unemployment, most jobs created are informal, casual, and uncertain. There is a growing concentration of small vendors, public transportation drivers, and those entering informal contracts for employment.

The US-Marcos Jr. regime is intent on killing the impoverished people of Laguna. Contractualization persists among workers in an effort by Marcos Jr. tries to attract foreign investments in the province’s industrial enclaves. Meanwhile, thousands of jeepney drivers and small operators are set to lose their livelihoods due to the “franchise consolidation” of the bogus PUV Modernization Program.

The overall crisis for social services is deepening. Because of the privatization of education, health, water, electricity, and other essential services, many Lagunenses can only dream of a decent living. Slum colonies along the lakeshore and railway areas are growing due to the lack of proper housing. Those in public housing, meanwhile, could scarcely afford rent due to the lack of decent employment.

Both rural and urban areas face the imminent threat of commercial and infrastructure projects that endanger the displacement of thousands of people and the destruction of the environment.

Construction for the Laguna Lakeshore Road Network project is underway across the shores of Laguna de Bay, where a large number of urban poor and small fisherfolk live. The LLRN is funded by the Asian Development Bank and aims to facilitate transportation of products from Laguna’s labor camps to the export processing zones in Manila. The LLRN also serves eco-tourism projects in the province, including the planned Freedom Park in Santa Rosa, Ayala, Tan, and Villar projects in Hacienda Yulo, privatization of resorts in Calamba, and more.

At the same time, Ayala and other major compradors plan to fund the construction of a floating solar farm in Laguna de Bay as a response to the country’s “energy crisis.” This is also why Razon and Araneta push for the construction of the Ahunan Dam and Belisama Dam in the town of Pakil.

The reactionary state leans towards fascism and repression to secure its position in power instead of addressing the roots of the social crisis. Marcos freely uses the NTF-Elcac and other state apparatuses to surveil and intimidate unionists, peasant leaders, youth leaders, and progressives in communities.

The PNP and AFP respond to legitimate grievances of PUV drivers with threats and treat them as agent provocateurs. Elcac continues to spread false propaganda about how they are “close to defeating” the revolutionary movement.

The urgent task of every revolutionary now is to study society in order develop the theory and practice of revolution in the Philippines. From the objective conditions in Laguna, we need to develop the subjective forces of the revolution by advancing the correct line in ideology, politics, and organization.

We must be adept in Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and in the proper analysis of society’s interlocking contradictions. The revolutionary proletariat can only lead the revolutionary struggle if armed with the correct theory and applying it in practice.

It is time for a bold and resounding advance of the people’s war in our province. We anticipate the simultaneous progress of armed struggle in the countryside and the democratic mass movement in urban areas. The major task now, for all revolutionary forces in the cities and the fighters of the New People’s Army, is to make Laguna red.

The path we must take for genuine liberation remains long. The forces of reaction are currently stronger than revolutionary forces. However, under the guidance of the Communist Party of the Philippines, we will gradually gather the strength of the revolution until we overthrow US imperialism, the comprador bourgeoisie, and landlords, and all reactionaries in our country.

Let us welcome the coming year with courage and determination! Raise our revolutionary spirit and advance further towards the success of the people’s democratic revolution!

Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines! Long live the Philippine revolution!

Celebrate the 55th anniversary of the Communist Party of the Philippines! Advance further towards the success of the people’s democratic revolution!