
Teachers welcome opening of classes with protests

Teachers who are members of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) Philippines protested in Mendiola in Manila this morning, concurrent with the opening of classes for the year 2024-2025 nationwide. They condemed the Marcos regime for its neglect and flawed policies on education.

Teachers said the Marcos regime failed to address the chronic shortage of classrooms, teachers, support staff in the education sector, learning materials and facilities. They said these problems doubled when typhoon Carina devastated many provinces.

They also expressed their dismay over the overwhelming workload they are given, such as the MATATAG curriculum and “blended learning” that have already been proven ineffective during the pandemic.

“[MATATAG] will press most teachers to teach eight classes daily due to the shortening of class hours,” Vladimer Quetua, ACT Chairperson, said.

Quetua further emphasized that the regime and the Department of Education should stop experimenting on teachers and students with a mixed bag of unfounded curricula. “We strongly demand an immediate stop to the MATATAG curriculum implementation,” the leader-teacher said.

In their protest, the teachers unfurled tattered umbrellas with gaping holes where they wrote the current crises facing the education sector. They said these symbolized the flawed policies and the state’s neglect of the sector in the country.

The teachers caled for an increase in the budget for education and the allocation of 6% of the country’s gross domestic product. A fair salary increase for teachers and education sector workers should also be implemented immediately.

Also today, ACT Teachers Representative France Castro visited schools in Metro Manila to greet and determine the condition of teachers, students and schools when they return to school. The ACT National Capital Region Union meanwhile led the “selfie” and “groufie” campaign or taking pictures with teachers in many schools in the region while holding calls to the Marcos regime and DepEd.

AB: Teachers welcome opening of classes with protests