
Sorsogon's proposed bike lane, a cover for coastal road revival


The Gubat municipality is set to pursue the stalled Coastal Road plan using the “bike lane” proposal in barangay Buenavista, Gubat. The new proposal signed in the municipal development council on September 22 2023 allocated ₱10 million for a bike lane with a width of 6.70 meters or equivalent to the standard width of the national road and a length of 0.4550 kilometers in said barangay. Calling it a “bike lane” is a deception to project that it will hit only a small space on the beach.

Residents only learned about the project when the Gubat LGU and DPWH representatives called a meeting on February 12, 2024 with selected residents who are not members of the Save Gubat Bay Movement.

It can be recalled that Gubat residents and the group Save Gubat Bay Movement stopped the construction of the coastal road that will destroy the coast and mangroves in the barangays of Balud, Cota na Dako, Buenavista, Cogon, Pinontingan, Panganiban and Rizal in 2022 due to lack of public consultation and certifications in accordance with the law.

The Save Gubat Bay Movement, on the other hand, asserts that it will continue the fight to stop the project. They also encourage the fisherfolk and residents of Buenavista to unite to protect Gubat Bay and their livelihood.

AB: Sorsogon's proposed bike lane, a cover for coastal road revival